The American Craft Council (ACC) offers 20 Equity Awards

Scholarships: Equity Awards to "Present Tense: 2019" Conference

The American Craft Council (ACC) offers 20 Equity Awards that allow for full participation in “Present Tense: 2019,” a national conference on craft’s relevance as a powerful catalyst for navigating and making meaning in an increasingly tense and complex present. Speakers and participants from a range of sectors and disciplines will gather in Philadelphia for three days to explore, challenge, and celebrate craft’s impact in American life today.

The Equity Awards are open to anyone who is attempting to cultivate a relationship with craft and has has not attended an ACC conference before. We encourage applications from people of color and others who have been historically underrepresented in the field, including individuals with Black, Latinx, Asian, or Native American ancestry, and people who identify as LGBTQIA. Formal training or an academic background are not required.


The award includes:

  • Full conference registration

  • $300 travel stipend (limited)

  • Welcoming orientation and additional support from ACC Equity Awards mentors and ACC staff

  • One-year membership to ACC

Total value: $850

Application deadline is July 1, 2019.

more Info at link