Check out all the ways you can get involved with The Color Network!

Jury for The Color Network

The Color Network is interested in bringing a variety of voices into the selection process for a variety of opportunities, including shows, grants, scholarships, & fellowships. This is a great chance to see what the other side of a jurying process looks like. The Color Network pays jurors $200 each to evaluate applications & discuss with other jurors. Please email with “Juror” in the subject line, and tell us a bit about your experience with clay and the type of work you make.

Host the Conversation at the next Open Studio Session

Thank you all who attended our most recent Open Studio session. What do you want to talk about at our next Open Studio Event? Create the topic, lead the conversation, and bring in co-facilitators. A moderator (one of The Color Network Co-Organizers) will be present to support you during the event. You, and/or up to 3 co-hosts, will receive a $100 stipend per person.

Scheduling of the Open Studio event will be determined in collaboration with the selected host(s). Applications are open. Click the button to learn more!

Get Featured: Artist Spotlight Series

Have your work featured on the TCN Instagram! Showcase your work and share about your practice. Check out our Spotlight series here.

Have your work featured on the TCN Landing Page

Do you want to have your work featured on the TCN Website landing page? Email an image of your work to with the subject line “Landing Page”.

Required image format: .jpg, .jpeg, 4x4 inches, 72 ppi. Selections will be determined on a first come first serve basis based on image quality. This call is for artists of color working in ceramics.

Join the Database

If you are an Artist of Color working in ceramics, join our database - so other artists, curators, and educators can find you, and you can find them. Email an image of your work to with the subject line “Database” to be considered!

For the most frequent updates, sign up to our mailing list and follow the TCN Instagram, @thecolornetwork.