Career Development Grants
The Color Network (TCN) is pleased to announce the availability of three (3) grants of $3000 USD* for artists of color working in ceramics. TCN requests grant proposals for projects including, but not limited to: material/equipment purchases, shipping costs, travel for ceramic-engaged events, or expenses for curatorial initiatives.
Application requirements include:
500 word proposal (Explain what you would do with this grant, and how will it impact your career development.)
Budget (breakdown of how the funds would be used)
5 images (.jpg, .jpeg MAX 1MB per image. Suggested image size: 1000 pixels on smallest side)
and image details (title, medium, dimensions, date)
Deadline to apply is midnight (EST) on Sun Apr 27. Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed. Due to the number of applications received, The Color Network is unable to provide feedback on unsuccessful proposals.
*Subject to any/all applicable taxes. Currently enrolled students are NOT eligible for this grant. Recipients must submit a W9 to receive funds.
Monthly Microgrants
The Color Network is pleased to offer two (2) grants of $100 USD per month for artists of color working in ceramics! The TCN Microgrants aim to support artists of color working in ceramics, at any stage of their career. This grant is best suited for (but not limited to) supporting exhibition application fees, work shipping, artwork documentation, or exhibition-related travel. Applications open the on first of each month and close the last Sunday of each month. Learn more and apply below. The microgrants are awarded by lottery at the end of every month.
Application requirements include a short proposal. Applications open the on first of each month and close the last Sunday of each month. Late applications will not be considered.
Studio Stipend Grants
The Color Network is pleased to announce the availability of our Studio Stipend Grants, geared towards supporting artists of color working in ceramics at any stage in their career. The Color Network is offering eight (8) $500 Studio Stipend Grants in 2025. This grant is best suited for artists seeking support with materials and equipment purchases, shipping costs, travel for ceramics-engaged events, or expenses for curatorial initiatives.
Application requirements include a short proposal and a five-image portfolio with an image list.
Score of 4: You are showing exciting potential in your work. You have stated with exceptional clarity what you will do with this grant. You have stated the expected impact to you (and possibly others). Your project is achievable considering the parameters and budget of the grant.
Score of 3: You are showing potential in your work. You have clearly stated what you will do with this grant. You have stated the expected outcomes. Your project is achievable considering the parameters and budget of the grant.
Score of 2: You have shown examples of your work. You have stated loose ideas of what you will do with this grant, but your proposal lacks clarity. The expected outcomes are unclear. Your project doesn't align with the parameters or the budget of the grant.
Score of 1: You have not included the required application materials. Your project doesn't align with the parameters or the budget of the grant.
Applications for the year 2025 open on January 1, 2025.
Deadlines to apply in 2025 are:
Term 1: February 23, 2025
Term 2: May 25, 2025
Four (4) grants will be awarded per term.
Late applications will not be considered. Due to the number of applications received, The Color Network is unable to provide feedback on unsuccessful proposals.